Monday, July 20, 2009

May be for the long haul...

I went for more antepartum testing today and spent 4 hours there because I had to wait for the labwork to come back before they would let me leave. The good news is that the baby still looks great, but the bad news is that the level of protein in my urine is elevated (sounds fun, right?). I think she said my levels were around 225 and at 300 is when they officially say you have preeclampsia. With my high blood pressure, it looks like that is the direction I'm headed.

All I know is I go back to see a doctor tomorrow and then back to antepartum testing on Thursday (twice a week now). The only good part of all of this is I get a weekly ultrasound and get to hear the baby's heartbeat. Looks like I'm offiicially on bed rest for the long haul and I have a feeling baby Sully might make his or her appearance earlier than September 9th.

So far it hasn't been too bad, but I think that is only because Bob has been around so much. He caught my cold, so we are both lounging around today. One thing that will help keep me happy is that I'm allowed to sit up and paint for a couple of hours a day...that always makes me happy. I'll try to keep you all posted if I hear anything new. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Baby Sully may need them to stay in as long as possible!

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