Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Baby

New Wheels

Check out our new toys! One bought at a garage sale and the other off Craig's List.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

2 months old

Scotty turned 2 months old a few days ago! This boy has a huge head just like his sister.....already in the 98th percentile and I expect it to be off the chart soon :) He weighed in at 13 lbs 8 oz. I believe his height was 90th percentile and weight was 75th percentile.

Colorado springs has been under a cloud of smoke since Saturday with the Waldo canyon fire and we are thankful our family is safe from the fires! Praying for all the firefighters and families that have been impacted!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Belated Father's Day

Erin and Scotty are so lucky to have such an amazing Daddy!

Running through the sprinklers with Daddy on Father's Day

Scotty's Newborn Photos

I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THESE PHOTOS!!!!  Thank you, Enie from My Little Ladybugs Photography!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Nap Time"

This is what happens when a 2 year old grabs the monitor camera during nap time.  It kind of reminds me of the Blair Witch Project!

Finally Got the Smile!

Scotty has been smiling for a couple weeks now, but I was finally able to catch it on camera today!  So cute!

Fun in the sun!

We have been enjoying the hot weather with lots of time outside.
Scotty sleeping in the shade at the Kid's Fun Fest at Acacia Park.
Pool time at the Browns!
Erin having fun with bubbles at the Kid's Fun Fest.

Friday, June 8, 2012


They look pretty similar if you ask me!
Erin first bath
Scott first bath



Erin's first hair cut

Erin finally got her first hair cut! She was "super duper excited to look like a princess" and told the lady "thank you" when she was done. She especially loved her lollipop special treat and told them "I will come back when my hair is crazy". I love this girl!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


The talented Kenny got Scott to fall asleep sitting up. Too funny!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Prevacid, the miracle drug!

Before and after for our sweet little Scotty! He is such a sweet baby now that he is not in pain anymore.