Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another Update

Just got back from monitoring and no contractions this time! Baby Sully continues to move around like crazy every time I am there, so they are happy with that. My blood pressure looked better, but I forgot to bring in my own bp cuff to prove that my bp is lower at home. Oh well. I'm now on modified bedrest that is a little less strict than before, which is great news. I still have to go in 3 times a week, but I will start working from home part-time tomorrow to help bring in some income and avoid using all of my FMLA before the baby comes. All in all, good news :) Bob's mom is flying in today for my baby shower, so I'm sure Bob will be happy to have some extra help around the house.

Today I was telling the nurse about how I think our baby is a boy (no good reasons, just a hunch based on heart rate, how low I am carrying, etc.). She does not know the sex either and actually told me that she thinks I'm having a girl just by looking at me. She deals with pregnant women every day, so now I have no idea what I'm having. She said the baby's heart rate is right in the middle (not on the lower side like I thought it was). I guess we'll find out soon enough who is right!


  1. GREAT NEWS!!! See you at the shower on Saturday.

  2. Hi Rachel!! Hope you have a great shower! Post some pics so us here in VA can see all the fun you have! - Diana
