It was so hard to keep it a secret, but I kept it from most up until my first official doctor’s appointment. The only way I could trick our friends was to hold a glass of wine at every gathering. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time was amazing and finally reassured me that everything was alright. Bob and I went to our first ultrasound the very next day to see our little Sully. What a cutie…I’m already in love! The baby was jumping all over the place and moving his/her arms up and down for us. We loved this and it made everything so much more exciting!
12 week ultrasound

I am extremely lucky to have absolutely no morning sickness (I feel for others), but I am having issues with my right thigh going numb almost all the time now. Bob and I went for our last hurrah or “babymoon” to the Bahamas for Spring Break! It was awesome and I’m so happy we took advantage of some free time together.

There have been several occasions where Bob and I are just sitting there and one of us will say “Do you realize that we are having a baby?” HOLY COW! It really hasn’t sunk in yet. It was hard to tell at first, but I now know that I felt the baby move for the first time last week. Now I am feeling several times a day, although it is still pretty weak. Our little Sully appears to enjoy poking or kicking me on the left side for now :) Such a cool feeling! I think Bob is a little jealous that I get to feel the baby, but he won’t be so jealous when he can feel it from the outside and I’m miserably huge. Here is my belly progression so far starting at week 15. You will notice that it just popped out all of the sudden at week 17!
18 Weeks
YEA YEA YEA!!! I am so so excited!!!!!! Can't wait to see your little baby bump :)
ReplyDeleteHey, I like the blog, I will bookmark it :-)
ReplyDeleteThis is great! I'm glad I can follow your progression now too! You look great and keep the pics and new coming.