Monday, September 28, 2009

Erin Update

In the past week Erin has had her first real bath (yes, she loved it and yes, we got it on video), made her first trip to Garden of the Gods, and made her modeling debut with her first official photo shoot (thanks Julie). We've had lots of visitors and will be sad to see Bob's parents leave tomorrow. They have cooked about 20 meals, done at least 25 loads of laundry and changed lots of diapers. Pretty soon I will be all on my own...yikes! More pictures for your enjoyment. I even caught one of Erin smiling for me OR maybe she is just passing gas.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

2 Weeks Old

Erin is already two weeks old today and now weighs 7 lbs 6 oz! She is still a doll and starting to sleep longer between feedings at night :) Here are a couple more pics of our sweet baby girl.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Video of Erin

More Pictures of Erin

Proud Daddy

Erin and Teddy Bear

What are you looking at?

Friday, September 18, 2009

One Week Old

I can't believe our little Erin is one week old as of yesterday. She is such a sweet girl and so well tempered!!! She has amazed me at how quickly she is changing. Her eyes are open more often and she is always trying to lift up her head. She is already sleeping better at night and she recognizes my voice when I walk in the room. I think I'm already getting emotional about her growing up too fast!

Even though I look horrible in this picture, this is one of my favorite things to do with Erin. I was tired!!!

Proud Parents

First walk with the BOB!

I better run because I hear her cute little grunts. I'll have Bob post more videos later so you can hear her high pitched cry :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Erin

Eyes Shut

Eyes Open. So cute.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Couple More Pics

The two loves of my life!!

Look at those lips!

Here is a picture of Busia and Grandpa Bob with Erin

I am officially sleep deprived!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Erin Comes Home

We brought Erin home from the hospital Saturday. Here is some video courtesy of the video camera Grandpa Bob and Busia (Rachel's parents) gave us.

Thanks for all of the calls and well wishes the last few days. We all appreciate them.

Bob and Rachel

A Few Pictures....FINALLY

Erin has stolen our hearts....and all of our time! I promise many more pictures to come once I get down this whole nursing thing down. She is just beautiful :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Erin Kelly Sullivan was born at 6:39 AM weighing 6 lbs 15.5 oz and measuring 20 inches. Mom and baby are great. Erin and mom are eating right now.
We have a baby girl. Erin Kelly Sullivan.
Fully dialated. Getting ready to hee hee hoo.
After we dozed off for a bit (Bob much more than Rachel), the doctor came to check things. He said she is 8cm. Almost time to PUSH. 3:50 AM.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Epidural time! Just got done getting the epidural. Time to rest before the real fun begins. 11:35 PM
Not going home anytime soon. Doctor just broke her water to see if he could get things to progress faster. 14 hours and counting!

Getting Induced

Rachel is at the hospital now getting induced. It is her due date afterall. We will see how long it takes baby Sully to come. We will keep you posted.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fully Cooked

Okay baby sully, we are ready for you to meet the world. In case you didn't know, you should be fully cooked by tomorrow so it is safe to come out and play! We have your room all ready and your daddy has been hard at work finishing up projects. Hope to hold you very very soon (and find out if you are a boy or a girl)!

39 weeks & change

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Baby Yet!

Well, I had my 39 week appointment today thinking some sort of major event was going to happen (we had our bags all packed and in the car just in case). Much to my surprise, it was very uneventful....which is great news! I'm still not favorable for an induction, so they are going to let me go until my appointment next Wednesday and figure out what to do then. I was really hoping to go into labor on my own, so this gives me at least one more week for that to happen. I'm not sure what they'll do if I reach 40 weeks, but I'm happy for now!

Bob had to go back to work after the appointment, but we both feel like we were given some extra time that we didn't think we would have. I still have a huge list of things I wanted to get done before the baby comes, so I'll just chip away at that and enjoy the time before we are sleep deprived from our little bundle of joy! I'll try to keep you posted if anything happens...we're now just playing the waiting game.