Okay, I apologize in advance that I am slightly obsessed with photography now and I take a million photos of my kids. My friend, Kristi, (who is an amazing photographer and takes most of our family photos) runs a photography group on Facebook. She added me over a year ago because she knew I had an interest in photography because I asked her what DSLR I should start out with. I have been on there for a while, but I never really did anything with the group before. Now that my obsession has grown and I'm trying to use my camera in manual only (and since I got a new lens), she encouraged me to join her 365{ish} project for 2015. The goal? To take a photo every day for the entire year. If you miss a day, you are not supposed to make it up. No pressure though. It's just a goal that forces you to learn photography at a quicker speed. What I love even more is that it forces me to capture at least one memory every day. We post them in the Facebook group, mainly for motivation and accountability, but also to support each other. Man, am I glad Kristi encouraged me to join this challenge! At the end of the year my plan is to make this into a photo book. One memory from each day. So far I have not missed a day and I have some of my favorite photos I have ever taken. 20 down, only 345 to go! Here are my first 20, in order. I will try to post them on here in batches along the way.