Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy St Patrick's Day

Daddy took Erin to the St. Patrick's Day parade downtown. Cooper, Ryan and Julie rode their bikes too. Mommy stayed home to paint since biking would be hard with goose on board.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

34 Weeks!!

I will be 34 weeks tomorrow....eeek!!  We're not quite ready yet!  Goose, if you could do us a favor and cook until 40 weeks that would be great :)  Although I am slightly less comfortable, this pregnancy has been much better than last time (mainly because I was already on bed rest at this point with Erin).  Did I mention I love my midwife?!?!?!

Here is perhaps my one and only belly shot.  I have been horrible about taking photos this time around!  Erin loves to talk about my belly and Goose, but I'm curious to see how she will react when there is a baby fighting for my attention.