I know Easter was over a week ago, but we all got sick and I never got around to posting pictures. Here is our cute little Easter bunny. It took about 10 tries to get a family photo because Erin was more interested in moving her chair around. We just followed her around the house until she sat still long enough to get a shot! She was lucky enough to spend Easter with the Banet family chickens. One of her favorite words right now....bwak, bwak, bwak, bwak! We hope everyone had a blessed Easter :)
My cute little bunny

Hanging out with the chickens

Don't take my frisbee!

Where should we take our picture, Erin?

Just missed it....she went to check out the camera. Wish the timer was a bit faster!

Finally, we're all in the photo, but Erin doesn't look too happy :(

This will have to do....