Saturday, May 3, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday, Scotty!

Oh, Scotty boy!  What can I say?  We just love you so much!  You are the sweetest, yet craziest boy I know.  You always make me laugh and even though you are just learning to talk, I feel that you are wise beyond your years.  Please slow down my love.  You are growing way too fast....the doc even says so.  You are the size of a 3-1/2 year old!  Thanks for being such a great boy and bringing joy to everyone in your life!  Happy 2nd Birthday, Buddy!!  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pictures. Looks like he had a really cool party.By
    the way, we have two fire engines in the basement!!!Will give
    them a new toy when you visit. Was great seeing you on video yesterday. Love you all. Happy Birthday Scott. Love Nana and Pops.
